Friday, November 25, 2022

PPE but not plastic aprons or masks


If I had gone to university, as I might have done as a mature student then no doubt I would have chosen PPE as a course. These initials became synonimous in the covid pandemic with the plastic aprons and masks, many of them supplied to the NHS at exorbitant prices by Tory cronies.

I meant  Philosophy,politics and economics, Sounds grand doesn't it and ideal for budding politicians, which is probably why so many current parliamentarians seem to have their degrees in that.

Over the years I have thought about what was actually learned to study PPE.  Judging from the attitudes of so many of the aforementioned parliamentarians many seem to have skipped the philosophy modules and concentrated on economics,more specifically perhaps their own finances!

Doesn't matter what shade of politics philosophical commitment to the cause doesn't seem to rank as high as the need to climb the proverbial greasy poll. 

Tories by definition have to pretend to be concerned about the condition of people in poverty whilst at the same time supporting policies that make them poorer whilst so many labour hopefuls have never had their hands dirty and are only too willing to pander to the worst aspects of the attitudes of people who have no affiliation to the labour movement,decry trade unionists and voted Brexit.

Monday, November 21, 2022

A challenging project right off the bat

 A challenging project right off the bat

 The conservation and partial restoration of an 18th-century taxidermy bat specimen

 © Simon Moore ACR   

Cumberland House Natural History Museum received a grant from the Collections Care Stimulus Grant Fund to conserve and partially restore a taxidermy bat dated 6 September 1779 - the oldest specimen in their natural history collection.  

 1779 Taxidermist's label still intact 

The taxidermist's label on the rear of the case is still intact, and shows that it is the work of Thomas Hall. Thomas Hall was one of the UK's earliest taxidermists and described himself as "the first artist in the world for preserving birds, beasts and all sorts of reptiles, to resemble attitude and perfection of life". He had a museum of stuffed animals at his home and is thought to have owned and exhibited the first kangaroo seen in Europe. 

© Simon Moore ACR 

Specimen label dated to 1779 

  A delicate and challenging project The work was carried out by Simon Moore ACR of Natural History Conservation, leading expert in the field of natural sciences conservation. The job was very delicate - head and both ears were detached, exposed part of armature rusted, wings embrittled and frequently torn and holed. Judging by the frass particles under the fur, the specimen had also been attacked by clothes moth larvae.  

© Simon Moore ACR  

 The right wing had become detached and the wing membrane and many other areas, especially the tail web, had either become torn or eaten away by the pest larvae. The brittleness of the wings was extreme and the project suffered a setback - a large hole appeared during the sizing of the wings because of the rehydration process and the weight of the size; but this was quickly tissued over and held together. The sizing, once dry adds a stronger and invisible membrane and also helps to blend in the tissued areas.

 © Simon Moore ACR

Left wing prior to adhesion  

 Final result 

At the end of the project, the bat was mounted on a bit of cocktail stick and a small depression was drilled in the box base so the bat could be mounted back in its box. The partly-missing lower left corner of the box was also rebuilt so that the glass would sit nicely in the rebate, and also to help keep the pests out. The ripply old glass was carefully sealed in using old-fashioned gummed paper tape. This was then painted black and the final result is shown below.

 © Simon Moore ACR  

 Made possible through the generous support of the Radcliffe Trust and others, the Collections Care Stimulus Fund supported the care and conservation of collections at a time when budgets for the conservation of collections and objects are diminishing.
 Icon awarded eight grants of up to £1,250 to UK-based museums, galleries and heritage institutions with less than 100,000 visitors per year that have suffered from a major drop in income over the last 12 months and were less able to commission conservation projects as a result. The conservation activities were carried out by Icon Accredited members. An accredited member of Icon (ACR) will have been through a robust professional practice assessment process to demonstrate that they have met the ‘proficient’ level of Icon’s Professional Standards. Accredited members can be identified through the Conservation Register.


This article was copied, with their permission from the Institute of Conservation website.
The pun in the heading is not mine! althoughy other errors may well be. Although we spent many years researching the lives of the Hall family this is my first post about them since 2014