Thursday, October 23, 2014

No Gas Mask=No Zoo trip

No Gas Mask=No Zoo trip

As most will know, during the second world war, it was compulsory to carry a gas mask with you everywhere you went.

As a child, my memory for things unimportant was about the same as it is now. Constantly needing reminding about jobs, including taking the gas mask. The gas mask itself was not a problem I knew how to put it on and off, but it was the carrying that was a nuisance. It was in a cardboard box with a loop of string which was supposed to be carried over the shoulder, and it just got in the way of everything that you wanted to do. If you slung it round behind and then sat down, the box got squashed, under your arm it got in the way and so on.

Whilst in Guildford as an evacuee in about 1942 or 1943 a school trip to Chessington Zoo and Circus was organised, which of course was a cause of a great deal of excitement. We had to take a packed lunch and drinks, so my Mum gave me a packed lunch of sandwiches and apples from the garden, sufficient for half the class, and some left over for the animals.

So off we went from home on the bus from Westborough into Guildford to school where the coach was already waiting. Just as I was about to get on it was spotted that I had no gas mask.
Miss Hanley was one of those teachers who could freeze you to the ground with one look, without even saying anything, but she spoke.

“Where's your gas mask ?”

“Forgot it Miss”

“Well you know that you cant go without a gas mask, and you don’t have time to go home again. You will have to stay in school.”
I didn't cry but I must have looked as though I was going to. “It's your own fault, you never pay attention”

Joe Gaffney, the only male teacher in the school apart from Mr. Ridge , the head, then came up and inquired what the problem was, as we were holding up all the others from getting on the coach.

“You're an idiot, you know that? But you are lucky because there is a gas mask hanging up in the downstairs toilets, run in and get it and you will be able to go.”

I was in and back with that gas mask in no time flat, grinning all over my face. On the coach, though I noticed the name on the gas mask box was of one of the boys who was away from school with measles, so I thought that if there was a gas scare whilst we were away I would have the choice of getting gassed or getting measles. I had seen kids with measles so would probably have chosen being gassed.

I don’t remember a great deal about the actual visit to Chessington Zoo, except the surplus of sandwiches and the fact that we were told that most of the larger animals had been evacuated to Devon. Still there was plenty to see and I had no idea where Devon was anyway.

Did I learn a lesson from the fright of not being able to go? Probably not.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sixty years between shaves

Had a shave at a barbers the other day.  Well not really a barber as it was a young woman did the shaving.
The last time I had a shave in a barbers shop was close to sixty years ago. As a young man I worked at Adelaide House just on the north side London bridge, and if for a variety of reasons I had not spent the night at home,  then I would need a shave before going to work.
Whilst electric razors had been invented, I didn't have one so I needed to go to a barbers for a shave, this being in the days before "designer stubble".
Fortunately there was a barbers shop in the basement of Adelaide House in those days, and it may even still be there, so I was able to pop in and have a shave before going into the office.

A shave of course was not just a shave, there was the routine of the hot towels, then the lathering up, the first shave, more lathering and then the second shave.  The routine finished up with another hot towel followed by a cold one and then astringent aftershave.

Going in to the office smelling of cologne, told everyone that I had had a barbers shave so they wanted to know where I had spent the night.

The shave the other day was pretty much the same routine as it had been all those years ago, apart from the young lady doing the barbering and the dentist type chair that they used. I felt that I was being prepared for a Sweeney Todd routine I was tilted so far back.  At Adelaide House there was no need to tilt the customer back all that far, as the barber was tall enough to do a shave just by lowering the chair a little and then a tilt.

And the hot towels didn't seem to be as hot as they used to be.  These days they are microwaved, whereas in the past a towel was put in the hand basin and boiling water was poured over from a kettle, then virtually straight on the face.

Still it was all as pleasant as it used to be.  One difference at the end though, the barber didn't ask "Will you need anything for the weekend sir ?" as they always used to.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Alphons Eder on Amazon

As I Told you before,  my Great grandfather Alphons Eder went to Brazil in 1859 now he has gone up the Amazon !!

My book about his life is now available as a paperback on Amazon

Alphons spent most of his life in the mid 19th century -in the East End of London as a street musician playing in a German Band.

Before that he had made the long journey, for those days, from Slovenia to England and then spent just short of three years on board HMS Ganges on its voyage to British Columbia and back as the flagship of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Squadron of the Royal Navy. During the journey they went to Brazil and sailed around Cape Horn- high adventure in any century.

A life divided into three separate phases which could be regarded as three different lives.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Acker Bilk takes five

Have anly just noticed that Acker Bilk has decided to call it a day from performing.  Am very sad about that as I had hoped that we would have had the chance to see him on stage  one more time before he came to this decision.

Acker is 85 and entitled to give up the hectic life that is the lot of the performing musician, we have seen him several times both here and in Australia and it was always a memorable experience, particularly in those joint gigs with the late Kenny Ball.

Hope that Acker has a long a restful retirement.

Don't know who owns the cartoon above but hope that they don't mind us using it as that is Acker

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bread Pudding On the High Seas

On board HMS Whimbrel, Dad was the messman for the Petty Officers Mess.  Probably regarded as a cushy number but it wasn’t, but he got the job because he was the oldest member of the crew.  The role of the messman on board a Royal Navy ship was normally to keep the mess clean and tidy, serve up the meals and to clear away afterward.  He collected the meals from the galley and carried to the Mess  and  served them up.
Whilst the POs were not on the same level as commissioned officers in the wardroom, none the less they expected to get a better class of food than the ratings. Presumably it was related to the fact that unlike ratings, mess bills were deducted from the Petty Officer's pay, so that they were well aware of the fact that they were paying for the meals.  Or it may just be that a world war would not end the usual class system in the Royal Navy.

Although I heard this story many times I did not fully understand how the episode of the bread pudding came about.  I think it had something to do with some grizzles from the Petty Officer about a particular dessert served up.  Not that the menu as such had anything to do with the messman, but being the sort of man that he was he probably decided off his own bat to do something about it and serve them bread pudding.

A bread pudding is not to be confused with bread and butter pudding, it is a different animal completely.  Presumably most people know what a bread and butter pudding is , made with slices of buttered bread in layers with dried fruit placed in a dish with an egg custard and then baked. ( How's that for a one line recipe?).  Anyway a bread pudding is completely different, being made with stale bread which is soaked in either water or milk and then squished into an amorphous mixture to which is added dried fruit, butter and sugar and mixed spices.  This is then baked very slowly until it is crisp on top.  If eaten hot it is like a steamed pudding, and if served with custard is perhaps like a poor mans Christmas pudding.  Left to get cold, however, it is different and is more like a fruit cake.

Anyway, somehow or other Dad got involved in making a bread pudding in the galley, presumably because the messman had a fair amount of spare time in between serving the meals to the various watches and clearing away before the next.  Not one to be sitting about, no doubt he spent a fair amount of the spare -time to nosing around to see what others were doing.

 Dad was fond of bread pudding and knew how to make them.  Bread pudding is a traditional Maltese dish called Budina tal hobz and as his mother was Maltese his liking probably stemmed from that.  Dad's version of the pudding is not strictly the Maltese way, perhaps he didn’t remember how his mother made them or he just developed his own recipe.

If you know what bread pudding is, then you may not understand that there are people who have never come across it, and so it was that when Dad introduced it into the Petty Officers Mess as a dessert one day, then he was surprised to find that not a single one of them had ever tasted it before.

Now a bit like the island of  Malta itself, you either love it or hate it and that was the response in the PO's Mess.
On another occasion the complaints were about the spotted dick coming from the galley.  If you have ever tasted catering style spotted dick you will no doubt appreciate the complaint.  “Like mother makes” it is not.  (Had better add here for those who don’t know,  “spotted dick” is a suet pudding with sultanas in)  Of course he was asked if he could produce a spotted dick in the galley for the Petty Officers Mess, which of course he could.  Unfortunately by this time he was becoming a little unpopular in the galley as it appeared that he was trying to upstage the cooks, which of course was not his intention.  In typical east end style he circumvented the antagonism by making two puddings, one for the POs and one for the cooks.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

No tie- no job

Can you imagine these days being sent home from work because you were not wearing a tie.?

On my first day at my first job I turned up one July morning without a tie and very nearly got sent home because of that. There are or weren't apprenticeships for office work in those days, so it was a question of learning on the job.  In large offices if was known as "sitting next to Nellie" in other words the new recruit was sat alongside someone more experienced and learned by watching or being lead along.
In terms of dress of course, you did not know until you arrived, unless you already knew someone who worked there.  There were obviously fairly universal rules and some specific to one place, fads and foibles of the owner or manager etc.
I went to work at a branch office of a large insurance company and had been interviewed at the Head Office in London, so I had not even been to where I was later assigned.
So early on that first Monday morning taking an early tram to New Cross Gate I stood outside the office and waited for someone to arrive.  The Chief Clerk was first, he looked at me a little strange after I had told him who I was, but he made no comment about my grey slacks and open necked shirt and my jacket over my arm.

As the other staff arrived, he introduced me and still no one made any comment about my attire until the Branch Manager arrived.  The Chief Clerk took me into the Manager's Office and introduced me and the first words the Manager said were "Where's your tie?".  I replied that I did not have one.  " You cant work here without a tie" he responded and told the Chief Clerk to take me away, as though I was fouling his office.
The door to the office had been standing open all this time, so of course everyone outside could hear
 all that went on, and most of them were grinning like apes.  To this day I don't know if they were laughing at me or the Manager.  One of the male staff, beckoned me over and pulled a tie out of a drawer and handed it to me.  He explained that all male staff were expected to wear suits complete with ties, but as I was a junior I was excused the suit but not the tie.  Just as well really as at that time I did not own a suit.
This then was my introduction, not just to the world of work, but to the intricacies of office life.

Tell us about your first day at the office.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hop flavoured cheese

I know that there are many varieties of cheese- Cheddar, Cheshire, Edam, Gorgonzola, Brie, Leicester just to name a few.  And like the wine buffs who go on (and on, and on) about the different vintages and so on  trying to put you down if you admit to drinking plonk,  there are cheese buffs as well.  I have met a lot of these, and of course many of them are quite knowledgeable and clever although when they try to tell you that they can tell what kind of clover the cow was eating the day before, well ..........

Anyway, when I meet these types, I have a little game and ask their opinion on "hop flavoured" cheese.  Many of course get a bit snotty cause they  look down on flavoured cheeses anyway, only fit for tesco types not those who order from Harrods, but most have to admit they have not come across "hop flavour".  There are hop flavoured cheeses these days of course, but that was not what I had in mind.

The hop flavoured cheese that I recall  always had a limited clientele and is not even available anymore, as it was handmade just before being eaten.

During the last war (can we still call it that considering the number of "conflicts" since ?) agricultural labourers used to get a larger cheese ration than city citizens, so when the east end families continued to go to the Kent hop-fields, they got extra cheese as well.  Not surprising then that lunch most days was cheese sandwiches.

Picking hops resulted in fingers covered in a sulphuric kind of black coating, impossible to wash off, and in any case lunch was taken in the  fields.  So cheese sandwiches eaten with blackened fingers had a taste like no other, and is quite impossible to describe.  The taste of hops was not unpleasant as imbibers of real ale will tell you, and it had an affinity to cheese.
I am not suggesting you go out and buy the modern speciality hop flavoured cheeses to see what I am on about as it is not the same thing at all.